Our team

Alexander Fink

Alexander advises clients in their digital transformation and crisis management.

Alexander specializes in communications consulting for companies in the digital transformation of their business models and core processes. He also supports clients in the areas of crisis, technology, IT, cyber security communications and in the fast-growing area of change management.

Alexander specializes in communications consulting for companies in the digital transformation of their business models and core processes. He also supports clients in the areas of crisis, technology, IT, cyber security communications and in the fast-growing area of change management.

Alexander has more than 25 years' international consulting experience. He joined Kekst CNC in 2020.

Previously, he was Senior Advisor at Roland Berger Executive Communications. ​Prior to this, Alexander was CEO Germany of the international communications firm Burson-Marsteller and held leading functions at communications consultancies Edelman and KetchumPleon in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Alexander has extensive experience in the areas of crisis communications, IT- and cyber security, as well as in the fast-growing areas of change management and in supporting companies through their digital transformation.​

Alexander studied History and Journalism and is co-author of the book “Professional Crisis Communications” (Springer Gabler 2023, 2nd edition).​


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Mehr Aufmerksamkeit bitte!

Die Anzahl der Cyberangriffe nimmt weiter dramatisch zu, aber immer noch besteht großer Nachholbedarf rund um Datensicherheit.

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Recht, Kommunikation und Sicherheit: Wie Cyberresilienz gestärkt werden kann

Rund 15.000 Datenschutzvorfälle pro Jahr, 380 Anzeigen im Zusammenhang mit Ransomware Attacken und eine Aufklärungsquote von 27% - das sind die Kennzahlen des ZAC des Bayrischen Kriminalamtes rund um Cyberattacken.

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Über 99% aller Unternehmen in Deutschland gehören zum Mittelstand. Als Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsmotoren und Erfolgsgaranten stehen diese Betriebe mit ihren Führungskräften im Blick der Öffentlichkeit.

Contact Information



Leopoldstr. 10

80802 Munich
