Blog この記事の読了時間: 7 分 13 5月 2021


*English to follow Japanese

2月以降さらに高まる 行動制限措置の強化と迅速なワクチン供給を強く求める声多数


世界規模でサービスを提供している戦略的PRコンサルティング会社Kekst CNC(ケクストCNC) は、日本、イギリス、アメリカ、ドイツ、スウェーデン、フランスの各1,000人、合計6,000人を対象に、8回目となる新型コロナウイルスに関する国際世論調査を実施しました(調査期間:2021422日~430日)。





















今回の調査結果について、Kekst CNCのアジア地域代表および日本最高責任者であるヨッヘン・レゲヴィーは次のようにコメントしています。「他の国とは異なり、日本では新型コロナウイルスに対する懸念が高まっています。その主な原因は、ワクチンの供給が遅れていることや、執拗に東京オリンピックの計画を進めようとする政府の対応にあります。これらの問題に迅速かつ説得力のある方法で対処しなければ、日本政府は国民の信頼をさらに失い、次の選挙で大きな逆風を受けることになるでしょう。」


  • 調査対象者:         日本、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、スウェーデン、フランスの18歳以上 各1,000
  • 実施期間:            2021年4月22日~4月30日
  • 集計結果について: 各国の年齢・性別および国内の地域的偏りを調整するために加重
  • 誤差の範囲:        +/- 3.3%(各国)



Kekst CNCについて

Kekst CNCは、世界規模でサービスを提供している戦略的PRコンサルティング会社で、全世界で展開するPublicis Groupeの一員です。Kekst CNCは、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、中東地域、アジア地域に15拠点で250人以上からなる専門チームが、さまざまなクライアントにサービスを提供しています。

Kekst CNCの日本オフィスは 、同社におけるアジア初の拠点として2004年に東京で設立されました。以降さまざまな分野において、200社を超えるグローバル企業や日系企業、各種団体に広報戦略を提供しています。特にM&Aコミュニケーションや株主アクティビズム対応などのファイナンシャルコミュニケーション分野に強みを持ち、コミュニケーションの視点から企業変革を支援しています。



International Survey on COVID-19:
Japan stands out as the country with highest and increasing concerns to COVID-19 since February leading to strong demands for tougher restrictions and a faster vaccine rollout

  • Japan is only country where majority of respondents think that current restrictions are too soft (71%)
  • Deep plunge in approval for Japanese government against backdrop of general handling of COVID-19 situation including dissatisfaction with speed of vaccine rollout
  • 63% of Japanese oppose to holding the Tokyo Olympic Games this summer; also opposed in the UK, Germany, Sweden and France
  • Japan has the highest number of people wanting to go back to the office (43%)

Tokyo, 3 March 2021 – The 8th Kekst CNC COVID-19 international tracking survey shows that Japanese people – different from their peers in other major countries – show demand for tougher COVID-19 restrictions. This feeling is based on the highest levels of concern and a deep dissatisfaction about the vaccine rollout so far. Likewise, the Japanese are strongly opposed to holding the Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer, an attitude shared by people in the UK, Germany, Sweden and France.


Various COVID-19 concerns, longer-lasting impact, and soft restrictions

The research, carried out among a representative sample of 1,000 adults each in the UK, U.S., Germany, Sweden, France and Japan (6,000 adults in total) between 22 and 30 April, shows Japan as the only country where concerns about the economy as a whole (France also sees an increase), about businesses in their country, about their household finances, about health of people in the country as a whole (Germany also sees an increase) and their family’s health than in any other country tracked have increased since February. Japan also has a very high share of people expecting the impact of the pandemic on various aspects to last at least another year ranging from 71-79% of all Japanese respondents. Additionally, 71% of Japanese feel that restrictions are too soft, a much higher share than in any other country surveyed.


Prioritization of limiting the spread over protecting the economy

This comes as no surprise as the percentage of Japanese respondents wishing the government to prioritize limiting the spread of COVID-19 has risen continuously since September 2020 to 54% in the last survey. At the same time, the percentage of those preferring the government to protect the economy went down from 25% to 17%.


Dissatisfaction with speed of the vaccine rollout

The Japanese are deeply dissatisfied with the speed of the vaccine rollout with 75% saying it is too slow. This is by far the highest figure by international comparison and a remarkable change from February when only 43% answered this way. In countries like the UK, the U.S. or Sweden, figures of dissatisfied people are not only much lower but have also decreased since February.


Low ratings for the Japanese government’s handling of COVID-19

While the central governments and health authorities in the UK, the U.S. and Sweden have all improved their net ratings for handing COVID-19 since February significantly with extremely positive ratings in the UK and the U.S, net ratings have gone down slightly in France and strongly in Japan and Germany. Japan stands out with the most negative ratings for the government at a net rating of minus 40%, which is more than 20% lower than any other country.


Opposition to the Tokyo Olympics

Turning to the future, 63% of the Japanese are opposed to holding the Tokyo Olympics this year (a rise from 56% in February), while only 15% agree they should go ahead. Additionally, the majority in the UK, Germany, Sweden responded that they should not go ahead and in France, the opponents (38%) outweigh the proponents (27%). Only in the U.S., proponents (44%) outweigh opponents (23%) with 33% either undecided or without an opinion.

When people in Japan were asked whether they would follow the Tokyo Olympics on TV in case the Games were held, 18% replied they would not follow them at all and 27% answered less than the usual Olympic Games. By contrast, only 8% replied they would follow them on TV more than usual Olympic Games with 38% following them on TV as much as usual Olympic Games (9% were undecided).


Japan’s preference for back to 5 days at the office

In another future-oriented area, respondents were asked what the ideal working mix would be between working at home and office one year from now. The result might be surprising for those predicting a clear preference for telework. 64% of workers globally want to spend three days or more per week in the office as opposed to their home. 45% overall want some degree of flexibility with at least one day per week at home and at the office. The Japanese stand out with 43% responding that the prefer a 5-day office week, by far the highest figure by international comparison. The older the population, the more they preferred having 5 days at the office, demonstrated by 37% of 18-24-year-olds and 55% of 55-64-year-olds preferring working the full week in the office.

Commenting on these findings, Jochen Legewie, Chairman Asia and Managing Director Japan of Kekst CNC, said, “Different from other countries, concerns of Japanese about COVID-19 are on the rise, which is mainly due to the government’s handling of the situation including the slow vaccine rollout and its insistence on going ahead with the Tokyo Olympic plans. Without addressing these issues in a fast and convincing way, the Japanese government will likely further lose the trust of its people and face significant headwinds in the upcoming fall elections.”


Methodology and full results

  • Nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults each in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Sweden, France and Japan.
  • Fieldwork took place on 22-30 April 2021.
  • Fieldwork took place on 11-21 February 2021.
  • Quotas and weights on gender, age and region in each country.
  • Margins of error of +/- 3.3% for all countries.


Full results of the survey available at:


About Kekst CNC

Kekst CNC is a leading global strategic communication consultancy. The team of over 250 experienced professionals serve clients from 15 offices in New York, London, Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Stockholm.

As trusted advisors, the firm contributes its expertise on such high-stake matters as: M&A, shareholder activism and governance, crisis communications, restructurings, regulatory investigations, litigation support, investor relations, IPO communications, issues and reputation management, change management and employee engagement, as well as digital and social communications. The Tokyo office has been serving its Japanese and international clients since 2004.

For more information, please visit:


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