Katherine Fennell

Senior Consultant


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Why GameStop Only Reinforces The Need For Investor Relations to Digitalize Fast

Investor relations (IR) professionals have discussed the idea of digital IR for as long as we can remember. In the dot com bubble, this meant monitoring investor chat rooms. In the early noughties that meant the IR website got an overhaul. In the 2010s, that meant a focus on webcasting and video content. There has been little real change to the cadence of communications or conventional investor targeting, media monitoring and engagement programs.

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FTSE 100 Financial Reporting During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has spread across the world, leading to unprecedented lockdowns and an unpredictable business environment for companies everywhere. This paper provides an analysis of FTSE 100 COVID-19 inancial reporting between the start of 2020 and 3 April and highlights the uncertainty facing UK-listed companies and the investment community as we move into uncharted waters.