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Stefan Nerpin

Stefan has more than 20 years’ corporate leadership experience in developing and executing multi-channel communications strategies involving high-stakes business matters and transformational change.

He advises clients on how to communicate externally and internally in high-stakes matters and transformations such as strategy shifts, corporate repositioning, leadership positioning, merger integration and organizational change, thought leadership, innovation and launches, ESG and sustainability progress, reputational challenges, and crises.

He advises clients on how to communicate externally and internally in high-stakes matters and transformations such as strategy shifts, corporate repositioning, leadership positioning, merger integration and organizational change, thought leadership, innovation and launches, ESG and sustainability progress, reputational challenges, and crises.

“What I value the most about Kekst CNC’s culture is every colleague’s speed and devotion in seamlessly coming together as an effective team. We assist clients with strategic expertise and guidance in managing the most complex situations imaginable.”

Stefan brings with him more than 20 years’ corporate leadership experience in developing and executing integrated communications strategies and multi-channel programs to advance corporate positions, enable commercial growth, and protect important values.

At Kekst CNC he advises client leadership in complex situations where communication plays a crucial role in building trust and confidence. His experience covers strategy shifts, corporate repositioning, leadership positioning, merger integration and organizational change, thought leadership, innovation and launches, ESG and sustainability progress, reputational challenges, and crises.

His leadership background in executive management teams with international corporations allows him to quickly capture and address the most complex client situations. Before joining Kekst CNC, Stefan was SVP Global Marketing, Communications & Public Affairs of Volvo Bus Corporation, and before that, he was Group Chief Communications Officer of DNV, based in Norway. 

Stefan has held similar executive positions with the energy group Vattenfall, where as VP he led brand management and communications in M&A integration and ESG/Sustainability initiatives; with the bank SEB Group, advancing corporate repositioning and digitalization; and with the express transport company TNT, based in the Netherlands, leading global merger change communications and rebranding. He also has a consultant background as Director at Burson-Marsteller, and he started his career with Nielsen Holdings in market and media analytics. 

Stefan holds a degree in Business and Economics from the University of Lund, Sweden.

Corporate Reputation and Positioning

  • Advised a technology company on new CEO first-100 days communications plan and leadership positioning, both internally and externally to multiple stakeholder segments across their global market.
  • Developed Volvo Bus Corporation’s position as a leader in sustainable public transport withworldwide strategic communication concepts, launches, and multi-channel communication programs. These programs pertained to innovative electromobility, automation, and connectivity solutions relevant to: climate change, air pollution, noise, circularity, energy efficiency, and safety.
  • Developed and executed new CEO announcement, first-100 days communications plan, and annual CEO positioning program for new CEO at DNV Group.
  • Developed and led the global positioning and corporate rebranding of the new DNV Group, creating a world leader in assurance and risk management following the merger between DNV and Germanischer Lloyds. Involved scientific sustainability positioning programs including proprietary research and thought-leadership initiatives, United Nations Global Compact partnership,and open platform business model digitalization and market launch.

People Communications

  • Supported European client with strategic advisory, development, and operational production of internal change communications program for post-merger integration communications.
  • Developed and led the internal change communications to enable and support the Volvo Bus Corporation’s global transformation program from a geographic model to a business unit model with revamped organization structure, delegated authority, and lean leadership to improve efficiency and profitability.
  • Prepared and led the announcement and internal change communications for the successful integration process across 100 geographies in the DNV and Germanischer Lloyds merger, enabled by a purpose driven and human-centric engagement strategy, and program for leaders and employees across the world.

Crisis Management and Preparedness

  • Responsible for issues preparedness, crisis communications plans and management manuals, leadership training, and governance at several large companies.
  • Executive handling of issues and crisis communications related to topics such as health and safety, supply chain, litigation, layoffs, and other reputational risks.


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AI-deepfakes, desinformation och påverkanskampanjer, hur sårbar är du?

Med en accelererande geopolitisk osäkerhet och med såväl omfattande cyberattacker som trolldebatter färska i minnet, fortsätter desinformation och påverkanskampanjer växa som ett hot även mot svenska företag och organisationer. Deepfakes och phishing med hjälp av AI och desinformation är tyvärr ett mer aktuellt hot än någonsin tidigare.

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Så stärker du ditt företags kommunikativa förmåga vid cyberincidenter

Förekomsten av cyberattacker och dataincidenter har ökat dramatiskt de senaste åren, både i Sverige och internationellt. Cybersäkerhetsexperten Truesec rapporterar en 221-procenting ökning av cyberattacker under 2023 jämfört med året innan. En ny rapport från Veeam Software visar att 92 procent av de tillfrågade företagen kommer öka investeringarna i dataskydd under 2024 för att stärka sin motståndskraft. Enligt en studie gjord av PWC ser 49 procent av tillfrågade VD:ar cyberincidenter som det största hotet mot tillväxt, något man förstår då den genomsnittliga stilleståndstiden för ett företag som drabbats av en ransomwareattack är hela 26 dagar (Coveware).

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Så stärker du företagets kommunikativa beredskap vid cyberincidenter

Förekomsten av cyberhot och hackaraattacker har på senare år ökat dramatiskt, i Sverige och internationellt. Angreppen blir både fler till antalet och mer omfattande och välorkestrerade. Under pandemin exponerade den snabba övergången till distansarbete inom stora delar av ekonomin företag och organisationer för fler cyberrisker och utlöste en exponentiell tillväxt av hot, incidenter och attacker från hackare och så kallade hotaktörer.

Contact Information


P.O. Box 1405

Sveavägen 24-26

SE-111 84 Stockholm
