News 03 June 2024

Uncovering the Data Behind the Impact You Make

Why do some leaders inspire you when they speak, while others leave you cold?

Especially in times of change, the spoken word can be the difference between success and failure.

What if you could see the nuts and bolts of spoken communication that works? After more than a year of development, the Kekst CNC Executive Impact Score enables leaders to see the data that underlies how they communicate. 

Kekst CNC, in partnership with Oxford University's foremost linguistics experts, has created a pioneering measurement system that reveals the internal workings of successful communication. The Kekst CNC Executive Impact Score uncovers the words and delivery tricks that allow leaders to excel when they speak.

Combining AI-driven data analysis and expert assessment, Kekst CNC and Oxford University Innovation’s tool calibrates seven critical factors that make a leader memorable, including hard-to-quantify attributes such as originality and emotiveness. The scores define areas of strength and those in need of development, and are incorporated into an action plan that is integrated with Kekst CNC’s recommendations to boost communications impact.

How the Kekst CNC Executive Impact Score works

Our approach uses digital tools and expert academic analysis to assess the effectiveness of leaders’ spoken communications.

  1. The Executive Impact Score starts with audio recordings of leadership communications. Raw material takes the form of podcasts, conference speeches, earnings calls, internal townhalls, video messages and media interviews.
  2. Digital tools and manual analysis are combined to assess the data, according to a system co-created with our partners at Oxford University.
  3. We assign a score for the effectiveness of the communication in absolute terms: your Executive Impact Score.
  4. That score can then be mapped onto our wider data set for comparison, relative to other CEOs.

Our model produces a granular, tailored breakdown of an executive’s communications style across seven variables:


We then integrate these ratings to establish an overall score. This gives them a clear picture of their strengths, as well as where further training would help.

The outcome: empowering leaders to take control of their impact in every moment, with every audience. We use the Executive Impact Score to help leaders with their storytelling, navigate moments of crisis and build deeper connections with employees.

“It’s been personally rewarding to bring this work to life – to take hours of public speaking content and hundreds of files of transcripts and crystallise it all into a tool that works. We’re proud of it, and excited about the positive results it’s having.”

Dominic Reynolds, Director, Kekst CNC Impact Team

And the score is just one aspect of Kekst CNC’s holistic approach for building an executive’s profile: the Executive Impact Score aligns with our counsel on positioning – both digitally and speaking on brand-relevant topics – the nuances of making an impact through speech, and amplifying one’s message. 


If you’re interested in enhancing the impact you make, get in touch with the Impact Communication team: [email protected]